  1. Lijin Shu, Zhongcheng Mu, Harald Fuchs, Lifeng Chi* and Marcel Mayor*, “A self assembled molecular zipper based on a perfluorophenyl-phenyl diacetylene motif”, Chemical Communications, (17) (2006) 1862-1863.
  2. Bin Dong, Nan Lu, Marc Zelsmann, Nikolaos Kehagias, Harald Fuchs, Clivia M. Sotomayor Torres and Lifeng Chi*, “Fabrication of high-density large-area conducting-polymer nanostructures”, Advanced Functional Materials, 16 (15) (2006) 1937-1942.
  3. Xiaodong Chen, Andrey L. Rogach, Dmitri V. Talapin, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Hierarchical luminescence patterning based on multiscaled self-assembly”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 128 (30) (2006) 9592-9593.
  4. Bin Dong, Christian H. Galka, Lutz H. Gade*, Lifeng Chi*, René M. Williams*, “Hydrogen-bond assisted formation of rod shaped organic nanocrystals: control of the aggregational state and structural elucidation”, Nanopages, 1 (3) (2006) 325-338.
  5. Katharina Dreger, Li Zhang, Hans-Joachim Galla, Harald Fuchs, Lifeng Chi, Ernst-Ulrich Würthwein and Hans Jürgen Schäfer*, “Influence of an amide group in methyl octadecanoates on the monolayer stability”, Langmuir, 22 (4) (2006) 1586-1594.
  6. Xiaochun Wu*, Steven Lenhert, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Interface interaction controlled transport of CdTe nanoparticles in the microcontact printing process”, Langmuir, 22 (18) (2006) 7807-7811.
  7. Xiaodong Chen, Nan Lu, Hui Zhang, Michael Hirtz, Lixin Wu, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Langmuir−Blodgett patterning of phospholipid microstripes:  effect of the second component”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110 (15) (2006) 8039-8046.
  8. Katrin Wedeking, Zhongcheng Mu, Gerald Kehr, Jesus Cano Sierra, Christian Mück Lichtenfeld, Stefan Grimme*, Gerhard Erker*, Roland Fröhlich, Lifeng Chi*, Wenchong Wang, Dingyong Zhong and Harald Fuchs, “Oligoethylene chains terminated by ferrocenyl end groups: Synthesis, structural properties, and two-dimensional self-assembly on surfaces”, Chemistry-a European Journal, 12 (6) (2006) 1618-1628.
  9. D. X. Shi, W. Ji, X. Lin, X. B. He, J. C. Lian, L. Gao, J. M. Cai, H. Lin, S. X. Du, F. Lin, C. Seidel, L. F. Chi, W. A. Hofer, H. Fuchs and H. J. Gao*, “Role of lateral alkyl chains in modulation of molecular structures on metal surfaces”, Physical Review Letters, 96 (22) (2006) 226101.
  10. S. X. Du, H. J. Gao*, C. Seidel, L. Tsetseris, W. Ji, H. Kopf, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs, S. J. Pennycook and S. T. Pantelides*, “Selective nontemplated adsorption of organic molecules on nanofacets and the role of bonding patterns”, Physical Review Letters, 97 (15) (2006) 156105.
  11. Katharina Dreger, Bo Zou, Zhongcheng Mu, Hans Joachim Galla, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs and Hans J. Schäfer*, “Synthesis and surface properties of new ureas and amides at different interfaces”, Langmuir, 22 (4) (2006) 1619-1625.
  12. F. Lin, D. Y. Zhong, L. F. Chi*, K. Ye, Y. Wang and H. Fuchs, “Temperature-tuned organic monolayer growth: N,N'-di(n-butyl)quinacridone on Ag(110)”, Physical Review B, 73 (23) (2006) 235420.
  13. Katrin Wedeking, Zhongcheng Mu, Gerald Kehr, Roland Fröhlich, Gerhard Erker*, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Tetradecylferrocene:  Ordered molecular array of an organometallic amphiphile in the crystal and in a two-dimensional assembled structure on a surface”, Langmuir, 22 (7) (2006) 3161-3165.
  14. Frank W. Vergeer, Xiaodong Chen, Frederique Lafolet, Luisa De Cola*, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Ultrathin luminescent films of rigid dinuclear Ruthenium(II) trisbipyridine complexes”, Advanced Functional Materials, 16 (5) (2006) 625-632.
  15. Liyan Wang, Sandra Jacobi, Jing Sun, Michael Overs, Harald Fuchs, Hans J. Schaefer, Xi Zhang, Jiacong Shen, Lifeng Chi*, “Anisotropic aggregation and phase transition in Langmuir monolayers of methyl/ethyl esters of 2,3-dihydroxy fatty acids”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 285 (2) (2005) 814-820.
  16. Li Zhang, Nikolai Gaponik, Jens Müller, Ulrich Plate, Horst Weller, Gerhard Erker, Harald Fuchs, Andrey L. Rogach and Lifeng Chi*, “Branched wires of CdTe nanocrystals using amphiphilic molecules as templates”, Small, 1 (5) (2005) 524-527.
  17. S. Steffens, A. Kerth, L. F. Chi, J. Oldendorf, G. Haufe, H. J. Galla, “Chiral effects: Biophysical investigation of fluorinated ethyl stearates”, Biophysical Journal, 88 (1) (2005) 244A.
  18. Dirk Volkmer*, Marc Fricke, Michael Gleiche, Lifeng Chi, “Elucidating the role of charge density on the growth of CaCO3 crystals underneath Calix[4]arene monolayers”, Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, 25 (2) (2005) 161-167.
  19. Bin Dong, Michael Krutschke, Xi Zhang, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Fabrication of polypyrrole wires between microelectrodes”, Small, 1 (5) (2005) 520-524.
  20. Huibiao Liu, Qing Zhao, Yuliang Li*, Yang Liu, Fushen Lu, Junpeng Zhuang, Shu Wang, Lei Jiang, Daoben Zhu*, Dapeng Yu and Lifeng Chi, “Field emission properties of large-area nanowires of organic charge-transfer complexes”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127 (4) (2005) 1120-1121.
  21. Frank Seela, Anup Jawalekar, Lifeng Chi, Dingyong Zhong and Harald Fuchs, “Gold DNA-conjugates: Ion specific self-assembly of gold nanoparticles via the dG-quartet”, Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids, 24 (5-7) (2005) 843-846.
  22. Frank Seela*, Anup M. Jawalekar, Lifeng Chi, Dingyong Zhong, “Ion-specific aggregation of gold-DNA nanoparticles using the dG quartet hairpin 5′-d(G4T4G4)”, Chemistry & Biodiversity, 2 (1) (2005) 84-91.
  23. Steven Lenhert, Michael Gleiche, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Mechanism of regular pattern formation in reactive dewetting”, ChemPhysChem, 6 (12) (2005) 2495-2498.
  24. Dingyong Zhong, F. Lin, Lifeng Chi*, Y. Wang and Harald Fuchs, “Ordered 1,6-bis(2-hydroxyphenyl) pyridine boron complex films grown on Ag(110): From submonolayer to multilayer”, Physical Review B, 71 (12) (2005) 125336.
  25. Steven Lenhert*, Marie-Beatrice Meier, Ulrich Meyer, Lifeng Chi, Hans Peter Wiesmann, “Osteoblast alignment, elongation and migration on grooved polystyrene surfaces patterned by Langmuir–Blodgett lithography”, Biomaterials, 26 (5) (2005) 563-570.
  26. Bin Dong, Dingyong Zhong, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Patterning of conducting polymers based on a random copolymer strategy: Toward the facile fabrication of nanosensors exclusively based on polymers”, Advanced Materials, 17 (22) (2005) 2736-2741.
  27. Xiaochun Wu, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Patterning of semiconductor nanoparticles via microcontact printing”, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, (18) (2005) 3729-3733.
  28. Xiaodong Chen, Susanne Wiehle, Lifeng Chi*, Christian Mück-Lichtenfeld, Rainer Rudert, Dieter Vollhardt, Harald Fuchs and Günter Haufe, “Phase behavior of 2,3-disubstituted methyl octadecanoate monolayers at the air−water interface”, Langmuir, 21 (8) (2015) 3376-3383.
  29. Xiaodong Chen, Michael Hirtz, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Self-organized patterning: regular and spatially tunable luminescent submicrometer stripes over large areas”, Advanced Materials, 17 (23) (2005) 2881-2885.
  30. Bo Zou, Katharina Dreger, Christian Mück-Lichtenfeld, Stefan Grimme*, Hans J. Schäfer*, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi*, “Simple and complex lattices of N-Alkyl fatty acid amides on a highly oriented pyrolytic graphite surface”, Langmuir, 21 (4) (2005) 1364-1370.
  31. Xiaodong Chen, Susanne Wiehle, Markus Weygand, Gerald Brezesinski, Ute Klenz, Hans-Joachim Galla, Harald Fuchs, Günter Haufe* and Lifeng Chi*, “Unconventional air-stable interdigitated bilayer formed by 2,3-disubstituted fatty acid methyl esters”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 109 (42) (2005) 19866-19875.