  1. Boris Anczykowski, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs, “Atomic force microscopy investigations on polymer latex films”, Surface and Interface Analysis, 23 (6) (1995) 416-425.
  2. K. Bierbaum, M. Grunze*, A. A. Baski, L. F. Chi, W. Schrepp, H. Fuchs, “Growth of self-assembled n-alkyltrichlorosilane films on Si(100) investigated by atomic force microscopy”, Langmuir, 11 (6) (1995) 2143-2150.
  3. Minika Schoenhoff, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs, Mathias Loesche*, “Structural rearrangements upon photoreorientation of amphiphilic azobenzene dyes organized in ultrathin films on solid surfaces”, Langmuir, 11 (1) (1995) 163-168.