  1. Lifeng Chi*, “Applications of scanning force microscopy operating in dynamic modes on self-organized assemblies of nanoclusters and organic amphiphiles”, Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 68 (2) (1999) 203-210.
  2. A. Naber, U. C. Fischer*, S. Kirchner, T. Dziomba, G. Kollar, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs, “Architecture and surface properties of monomolecular films of a cyanine dye and their light-induced modification”, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 103 (14) (1999) 2709-2717.
  3. Wensheng Yang*, Xiangdong Chai, Lifeng Chi, Xudong Liu, Yunwei Cao, Ran Lu, Yueshun Jiang, Xinyi Tang, Harald Fuchs and Tiejin Li, “From achiral molecular components to chiral supermolecules and supercoil self-assembly”, Chemistry – A European Journal, 5 (4) (1999) 1144-1149.
  4. L. Augustin, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs*, S. Höppner, S. Rakers, C. Röthig, T. Schwaack, F. Starrberg, “Preparation and characterization of low-dimensional nanostructures”, Applied Surface Science, 141 (3-4) (1999) 219-227.
  5. Christof M. Niemeyer*, Michael Adler, Bruno Pignataro, Steven Lenhert, Song Gao, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs and Blohm Dietmar, “Self-assembly of DNA-streptavidin nanostructures and their use as reagents in immuno-PCR”, Nucleic Acids Research, 27 (23) (1999) 4553-4561.
  6. Huiming Xiong, Hongbin Li, Zhiqiang Wang, Xi Zhang*, Jiacong Shen, Micheal Gleiche, Lifeng Chi and Harald Fuchs, “The monolayer behavior of amphiphilic polymer and heterostructure of polymer LB Film/CdS clusters”, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 211 (2) (1999) 238-242.