  1. Michael Overs, Marina Fix, Sandra Jacobi, Lifeng Chi, Manfred Sieber, Hans-Jürgen Schäfer, Harald Fuchs and Hans-Joachim Galla*, “Assembly of new vic-dihydroxyoctadecanoic acid methyl esters at the air−water interface”, Langmuir, 16 (3) (2000) 1141-1148.
  2. Li Zhang, Fengwei Huo, Zhiqiang Wang, Lixin Wu, Xi Zhang*, Stephanie Höppener, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs, Jianwei Zhao, Li Niu and Shaojun Dong, “Investigation into self-assembled monolayers of a polyether dendron thiol:  chemisorption, kinetics, and patterned surface”, Langmuir, 16 (8) (2000) 3813-3817.
  3. L. F. Chi*, S. Rakers, M. Hartig, M. Gleiche, H. Fuchs, G. Schmid, “Monolayers of nanosized Au55-clusters: preparation and characterization”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 171 (1-3) (2000) 241-248.
  4. Liyan Wang, Shuxun Cui, Zhiqiang Wang,* and Xi Zhang, Ming Jian, Lifeng Chi and Harald Fuchs, “Multilayer assemblies of copolymer PSOH and PVP on the basis of hydrogen bonding”, Langmuir, 16 (26) (2000) 10490-10494.
  5. Song Gao, Bo Zou, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs, Junqi Sun, Xi Zhang* anf Jiacong Shen, “Nano-size stripes of self-assembled bolaform amphiphiles”, Chemical Communications, (14) (2000) 1273-1274.
  6. M. Gleiche, L. F. Chi* and H. Fuchs, “Nanoscopic channel lattices with controlled anisotropic wetting”, Nature, 403 (6766) (2000) 173-175.
  7. S. E. Taylor, B. Desbat, D. Blaudez, S. Jacobi, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs, G. Schwarz*, “Structure of a fusion peptide analogue at the air–water interface, determined from surface activity, infrared spectroscopy and scanning force microscopy”, Biophysical Chemistry, 87 (1) (2000) 63-72.
  8. Hans Christian Strauch, Thomas Rinderknecht, Gerhard Erker*, Roland Fröhlich, Elina Wegelius, Frank Zippel, Stephanie Höppener, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi, “Substituent-dependent formation of supramolecular aggregates of 6-hydroxy-trans-3-hexenoic acids in the solid state”, European Journal of Organic Chemistry, (1) (2000) 187-192.
  9. Lifeng Chi*, Sandra Jacobi, Boris Anczykowski, Michael Overs, Hans-Jürgen Schäfer and Harald Fuchs, “Supermolecular periodic structures in monolayers”, Advanced Materials, 12 (1) (2000) 25-30.
  10. Christof M. Niemeyer*, Michael Adler, Song Gao and Lifeng Chi, “Supramolecular nanocircles consisting of streptavidin and DNA”, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 39 (17) (2000) 3055-3059.