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  2. X. Y. Qin, X. G. Zhu, S. Gao, L. F. Chi, J. S. Lee, “Compression behaviour of bulk nanocrystalline Ni-Fe”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 14 (10) (2002) 2605-2620.
  3. Bo Zou, Mingfeng Wang, Dengli Qiu, Xi Zhang*, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Confined supramolecular nanostructures of mesogen-bearing amphiphiles”, Chemical Communications, (9) (2002) 1008-1009.
  4. Nan Lu, Jiwen Zheng, Michael Gleiche, Harald Fuchs, Lifeng Chi*, Olivia Vidoni, Torsten Reuter and Günter Schmid, “Connecting nanowires consisting of Au55 with model electrodes”, Nano Letters, 2 (10) (2002) 1097-1099.
  5. B. Pignataro, L. Chi*, S. Gao, B. Anczykowski, C. Niemeyer, M. Adler, H. Fuchs, “Dynamic scanning force microscopy study of self-assembled DNA-protein nanostructures”, Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing, 74 (3) (2002) 447-452.
  6. Nan Lu, Michael Gleiche, Jiwen Zheng, Steven Lenhert, Bo Xu, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Fabrication of chemically patterned surfaces based on template-directed self-assembly”, Advanced Materials, 14 (24) (2002) 1812-1815.
  7. Stephanie Hoeppener*, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Formation of Au55 strands on a molecular template at the solid−liquid interface”, Nano Letters, 2 (5) (2002) 459-463.
  8. S. Peschel*, B. Ceyhan, C. M. Niemeyer, S. Gao, L. F. Chi and U. Simon, “Immobilization of gold nanoparticles on solid supports utilizing DNA hybridization”, Materials Science & Engineering C-Biomimetic and Supramolecular Systems, 19 (1-2) (2002) 47-50.
  9. Stephanie. Hoeppener, Rivka. Maoz, Sidney R. Cohen, Lifeng Chi, Harald Fuchs and Jacob Sagiv*, “Metal nanoparticles, nanowires, and contact electrodes self-assembled on patterned monolayer templates—a bottom-up chemical approach”, Advanced Materials, 14 (15) (2002) 1036-1041.
  10. Christof M. Niemeyer*, Michael Adler, Song Gao and Lifeng Chi, “Supramolecular DNA-streptavidin nanocircles with a covalently attached oligonucleotide moiety”, Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 20 (2) (2002) 223-230.
  11. Bo Zou, Dengli Qiu, Xueliang Hou, Lixin Wu, Xi Zhang*, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Surface micelles of single chain amphiphiles bearing azobenzene”, Langmuir, 18 (21) (2002) 8006-8009.
  12. X. Y. Qin*, X. G. Zhu, S. Gao, L. F. Chi, J. S. Lee, “Temperature dependence of compressive behavior of bulk nanocrystalline Ni–Fe”, Scripta Materialia, 46 (8) (2002) 611-616.
  13. Torsten Reuter, Olivia Vidoni, Viktoria Torma, Günter Schmid*, Lu Nan, Michael Gleiche, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Two-dimensional networks via quasi one-dimensional arrangements of gold clusters”, Nano Letters, 2 (7) (2002) 709-711.