  1. Michael Gleiche, Lifeng Chi*, Erk Gedig and Harald Fuchs, “Anisotropic contact-angle hysteresis of chemically nanostructured surfaces”, ChemPhysChem, 2 (3) (2001) 187-191.
  2. O. Henneberg, Th. Geue, M. Saphiannikova, U. Pietsch*, L. F. Chi, P. Rochon, A. L. Natansohn, “Atomic force microscopy inspection of the early state of formation of polymer surface relief gratings”, Applied Physics Letters, 79 (15) (2001) 2357-2359.
  3. A. G. Bittermann, S. Jacobi, L. F. Chi, H. Fuchs and R. Reichelt*, “Contrast studies on organic monolayers of different molecular packing in FESEM and their correlation with SFM data”, Langmuir, 17 (6) (2001) 1872-1877.
  4. Bo Zou, Liyan Wang, Tao Wu, Xiaoyong Zhao, Lixin Wu, Xi Zhang*, Song Gao, Michael Gleiche, Lifeng Chi* and Harald Fuchs, “Ex situ SFM study of 2-D aggregate geometry of azobenzene containing bolaform amphiphiles after adsorption at the mica/aqueous solution interface”, Langmuir, 17 (12) (2001) 3682-3688.
  5. Song Gao, Lifeng Chi*, Steven Lenhert, Boris Anczykowski, Christof M. Niemeyer, Michael Adler and Harald Fuchs, “High-quality mapping of DNA–protein complexes by dynamic scanning force microscopy”, ChemPhysChem, 2 (6) (2001) 384-388.
  6. Bo Zou, Li Zhang, Lixin Wu, Lifeng Chi, Xi Zhang*, “Interfacial molecular assembly and surface patterning”, Chinese Science Bulletin, 46 (14) (2001) 1152-1155.
  7. Junqi Sun, Zhiqiang Wang, Lixin Wu, Xi Zhang*, Jiacong Shen, Song Gao, Lifeng Chi, H. Fuchs, “Investigation of the Covalently Attached multilayer architecture based on diazo-resins and poly(4-styrene sulfonate)”, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 202 (7) (2001) 967-973.
  8. S. Hoeppener, L. F. Chi*, J. Wonnemann, G. Erker, H. Fuchs, “Molecular arrangement of lipid modified amino acids at the solid–liquid interface of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite”, Surface Science, 487 (1-3) (2001) 9-14.
  9. Christof M. Niemeyer*, Michael Adler, Song Gao and Lifeng Chi, “Nanostructured DNA−protein aggregates consisting of covalent oligonucleotide−streptavidin conjugates”, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 12 (3) (2001) 364-371.
  10. Christof M. Niemeyer*, Michael Adler, Steven Lenhert, Song Gao, Harald Fuchs and Lifeng Chi, “Nucleic acid supercoiling as a means for ionic switching of DNA–nanoparticle networks”, ChemBioChem, 2 (4) (2001) 260-264.
  11. Li Zhang, Bo Zou, Bin Dong, Fengwei Huo, Xi Zhang*, Lifeng Chi and Lei Jiang, “Self-assembled monolayers of new dendron-thiols: manipulation of the patterned surface and wetting properties”, Chemical Communications, (19) (2001) 1906-1907
  12. M. C. Niemeyer*, B. Ceyhan, S. Gao, L. Chi, S. Peschel, U. Simon, “Site-selective immobilization of gold nanoparticles functionalized with DNA oligomers”, Colloid and Polymer Science, 279 (1) (2001) 68-72.