Warm congratulations to professor Lifeng Chi on winning the IUPAC Distinguished Women in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Award


  Today, the international union of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC) selected the 2017 Distinguished Women in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Award.Chi was awarded the award.Here to wish to express warm congratulations to the teacher Chi!

  The award is awarded every two years.As before, a total of 12 female scientists from around the world were selected this year.Jihong Yu, academician of Jilin University, also won the prize.This year's award ceremony will be held at the 46th IUPAC academic conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 14-19, 2017.

  The list (in alphabetical order) is as follows:

  International federation of pure and applied chemistry (IUPAC) Chemistry or Chemical Engineering award outstanding Women (IUPAC 2017 'Distinguished participants in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering allow), is initiated by the international union of pure and applied chemistry, launched in 2011 to set up an international award, to celebrate the world internal chemical or chemical industry to make outstanding contributions in the field of female scientist or engineer.The award was launched as part of the 2011 international school year celebration.That year, 23 women chemists were honored at the IUPAC conference in SAN Juan, Puerto Rico.Each subsequent IUPAC conference produced 12 winners.